Welcome to the Empathy Architects Enneagram Lexical Analysis Questionnaire and Test! This test is based on the research of Sterlin Mosley, PhD and will take you approximately 30-40 minutes to complete.
(First only, or you may use a pseudonym)
What is your age?
Enneagram Type (if known)
Instinctual Subtype (if known)
You will be presented with 26 free-response questions designed to help you think and write about your personality and personal image style. Write as much or as little as you want. Try to avoid overthinking your responses and instead go with your spontaneous thoughts and emotions as they arise. Avoid asking others what they think. Think about how you are most of your life, most of the time, and particularly with those who know you well.
Please write 5 adjectives you would use to describe yourself:
Now, write 5 adjectives that other people might use to describe you (even if you might disagree with their view).
You may repeat adjectives used in the previous question if applicable.
What is your favorite color:
What is your favorite symbol and why?
What is your favorite creature or animal and why:
What is your greatest strength, and why?
*Think of this as something you've reliably been good at throughout your life.
What is your biggest weakness or flaw and why?
*Think of this as something that you try to overcome but gets you into trouble with yourself or others.
What is your personal image style?
(The way you dress or the way you want to appear to others)
What image styles do you avoid?
What kind of people do you like to be around and why?
What types of people do you avoid and why?
What is your favorite saying?
What is your biggest fear?
Finish this sentence:
"It upsets me when other people...:"
As a child I was:
I need:
I dress for:
In a partner or close friend I look for:
I avoid feeling:
At my best I'm:
At my worst I'm:
What would you like people to understand about you:
Part II: Image Selection
Choose ONE collage that best represents you most of your life, most of the time. Not who you want to be, should be, or strive to be but how you see your authentic self. Try to consider the collage as a whole rather than focusing on one image or word.
Choose one image that represents you most of your life, most of the time:
Choose one image that represents you most of your life, most of the time:
Choose one image that represents you most of your life, most of the time:
Choose one image that represents you most of your life, most of the time:
Choose one image that represents you most of your life, most of the time:
Choose one image that represents you most of your life, most of the time:
Choose one image that represents you most of your life, most of the time:
Choose one image that represents you most of your life, most of the time:
Choose one image that represents you most of your life, most of the time:
Choose one image that represents you most of your life, most of the time:
Choose one image that represents you most of your life, most of the time:
Choose one image that represents you most of your life, most of the time:
Rank the following images in order of preference 1-3:
Rank images in order of most like you to least like you.
Choose one image that represents you most of your life, most of the time:
Choose one statement that overall represents you most of your life most of the time:
Choose one statement that overall represents you most of your life most of the time:
Choose one statement that overall represents you most of your life most of the time:
Choose one statement that overall represents you most of your life most of the time:
Choose one statement that overall represents you most of your life most of the time:
Choose one statement that overall represents you most of your life most of the time:
Choose one statement that overall represents you most of your life most of the time:
Choose one statement that overall represents you most of your life most of the time:
Choose one statement that overall represents you most of your life most of the time:
Choose one statement that overall represents you most of your life most of the time:
Choose one statement that overall represents you most of your life most of the time:
Choose one statement that overall represents you most of your life most of the time:
Rank the following statements in order of preference 1-3:
Rank statements in order of most like you to least like you.
Choose one statement that overall represents you most of your life most of the time:
Choose one image/statement:
Choose one image/statement:
Choose one image/statement:
Rank image/statement in order of most like you to least like you:
Choose one image/statement:
Rank images in order of most like you to least like you:
Choose one image that represents you most of your life, most of the time:
Rank statements in order of most like you to least like you:
Choose one statement that overall represents you most of your life most of the time:
Choose one image/statement:
You have completed the Test
Your results can be found below
(Please download and save the PDF for your records)
Your written responses on the questionnaire portion of the test are a more accurate and reliable depiction of primary enneagram type, Tritype® in instinctual type but your image selection and word selection indicate the below type as your primary Enneagram type defense strategy. To clarify and confirm your type please contact info@empathyarchitects.com or visit empathyarchitects.com/sessions to schedule a type clarifying session.